CAP press conference on MH-370
Calculus without limits: Iran
Calculus for social science
With Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam former President of India
With Dr Mahthir Mohammad, former Prime Minister, Malaysia
Iran talk on religious bias in formal math
Release of Eleven Pictures of Time by Kapila Vatsyayan and Yashpal
Talk:Campus in camps: Palestine
IISc talk. Calculus:ganita vs math
School on gravitation, Brazil
Decoloinisation conference
Talk: Goodbye Euclid!
IIC debate with Mukunda on Ancient Indian vs Modern Western Science
Talk: Islam and philosophy of science
Discussion on church dogma in modern science
Sarnath workshop on Calculus without Limits
Talk: making math easy
Workshop for new course on history and philosophy of science
Talk at Institute of Complex Thought, Lima
Dresden conference on State Dependent Delay Equations
Talk at PRATEC, Lima
KL-conference: Islam and science
Talk at Helsinki
Telesio-Galilei Award 2010
Book release by Ashis Nandy and Prabhash Joshi
Workshop on Science and Islam at Universiti Sains Islam, Malaysia
MIT talk. Calculus: the real story